Legal Assistance with Loan Questions


My brother took out a loan for his girlfriend when they lived together (in fact). She deposits the amount into his account every month. This loan was for a motorcycle and is registered in her name. Now that they are no longer together, he wants to get rid of the loan. She went to the bank to transfer it to her name, but this would not work. He also has no proof that she will pay him this every month and she does not want to provide any proof. Can this be resolved?


Your brother took out the loan with the bank, so he alone is liable for that debt. The bank will not cooperate in a takeover of the contract and his ex-girlfriend will probably not cooperate either. His ex-girlfriend therefore has no payment obligation towards the bank. He can only get rid of the loan by paying it off. If your brother can prove that he subsequently lent the borrowed amount to his ex-girlfriend, he can try to recover the full amount from her at once. He will then have to summon her to repay the loan. If you have any questions or require legal assistance, please feel free to contact me without obligation and free of charge.

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