Personal injury after collision? Discover how you can claim damages!
I have suffered (injury) damage due to a collision with a moped. I was riding the bike myself. The moped driver was at fault. The moped driver has not responded. The driver's name and address are known to me [via the police]. The moped's registration number is also known to me. Question: How do I find out if my moped is insured and with which insurer? How can I best claim my damages?Lawyer
How unfortunate that you had an accident. I hope that you will recover fully soon. If the driver's details are known, you can choose whether to hold the driver liable, but you can also claim the damage directly from the insurance company. The insurance can be traced using the registration number of the moped. In the case of personal injury, you can also recover the costs of legal assistance from the insurer in the Netherlands. If you want, I can help you without it costing you anything. If you want to make use of this, you can contact me directly.Lawyer
There are 2 ways to obtain the data. 1) You can request the change form from the police (this is an internal memo drawn up by the police) explaining that the person who caused the accident does not want to provide his details. 2) If the police have drawn up a report, this can be requested from the Reports Foundation in Zoetermeer. If I can help you with this please let me know!Neem de volgende stap
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