Assistance with wage and pension problems
I am in my 2nd year of illness which has ended with a few days to go. After that I will be in the WIA (WGA). UWV has declared me 100% disabled. The first step the employer has announced is to appeal against it. However, that is not what my question is about. My employer only just discovered (so almost after the end of the 2nd year of illness) that according to the collective labor agreement that I fall under, it is stipulated in this collective labor agreement that I am entitled to 85% of the salary in the 2nd year. They paid me 100% over this period. They have therefore announced that they will also include the excess amount paid in the last payment month in one go. On top of that, they further announce that they have now also established that, according to them, they have paid out a (pension) supplement over the years 2011 to 2015 that was once agreed in the collective labor agreement due to the termination of the early retirement scheme and that apparently was not due over this period. Further explanation or substantiation is lacking in the letter, but will follow shortly. The impact of both is huge financially and comes as a complete surprise to me. Can I do anything about this?Lawyer
I think it is very far-reaching that the early retirement pension is now being reclaimed. In principle, a wage claim expires within 5 years. My advice is to check with the collective labor agreement whether too much early retirement has been transferred.Neem de volgende stap
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