Hearing and Reply in Appeal | Legal Aid
if we have won a case and the other party appeals, we clearly indicate that they want to be heard. Are they obliged to hear us or can they avoid this?Lawyer
The right to be heard is a basic principle of law. If the other party appeals, this must be done by means of a summons to be served by the bailiff on you or your lawyer in the case you won, and you will be able to read therein how and when you can respond to the appeal. You will probably be required to hire a lawyer. You will also be summoned if a hearing date has been set and you and your lawyer can also explain your positions at the hearing.Questioner
We wanted to be heard but it was dealt with in writing, can that just happen?Lawyer
I suggest that you contact me via the direct contact option of rechtspraak.nl and send me a scan of the judicial decision showing that the case has been/is only being dealt with in writing. In obvious cases, the judge may decide to settle a case in writing. This often concerns issues such as an appeal being filed too late or the court fee not being paid on time.Neem de volgende stap
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