Legal Assistance with Divorce & Custody
I have a legal question. We have decided to end our marriage. The party was over because of all the arguments. We have had a daughter for 6 weeks. Now I have been exercising and she has packed everything together and also taken our daughter without me knowing about it. I ask where my daughter is but she does not respond. Only to the question that she is gone. Is it allowed to take a 6 week old baby without consultation and then not indicate where she is?Lawyer
What an awful situation. Because you are married, you have joint custody of your daughter by operation of law. If your spouse keeps your daughter away from you without consultation, this can qualify as withdrawal of custody and this is punishable. However, I advise you to consult a family law attorney for help with the divorce. You could then request a care arrangement with your daughter in interim measures from the court. If the situation requires it, you could also request that your daughter's main residence be with you. You can contact the Legal Desk (tel. 0900 8020) for a referral to an attorney.Questioner
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