Clarity about the Health Insurance Act and payment arrangements
I would like to receive an explanation of a legal article. In the Policy rules for the collection of administrative premiums under the Health Insurance Act 2016, article 9, paragraph 5 ( the following is stated: If the policyholder does not comply with the standard payment proposal or the individual payment arrangement during the term, the CJIB, on behalf of the Healthcare Institute, will send the policyholder a one-off reminder for the unpaid installment amount. According to the CJIB, this means that you will receive a one-time reminder for the entire payment arrangement. However, I read that you should receive one reminder per term (the term amount). For example, if I do not pay term 4 on time, I will receive one reminder. If I pay this reminder on time and pay term 5 too late, I will receive another reminder for term 5. Is my thinking correct?Lawyer
Your way of thinking is incorrect. If the policyholder fails to comply with the standard proposal or the individual payment arrangement by failing to pay a payment term, the CJIB will send a reminder to the policyholder on behalf of the Healthcare Institute. If the policyholder fails to pay the payment term in full within two weeks after this reminder, the payment proposal will lapse or the payment arrangement will be withdrawn. In that case, the policyholder must still pay the remaining amount of the final settlement in one go. The Healthcare Institute will issue a writ of execution for this purpose. This writ of execution will be transferred to the bailiff. The CJIB will send a reminder to pay a payment term once on behalf of the Healthcare Institute. If the policyholder fails to pay a payment term during the term, pays this payment term after the reminder and later fails to pay another payment term (in full), the payment proposal will lapse or the payment arrangement will be withdrawn. In that case, the CJIB will not send a reminder a second time on behalf of the Healthcare Institute. For the remaining claim of the final settlement, the Healthcare Institute then issues a writ of execution. This writ of execution is then transferred to the bailiff. See also the Explanation of the policy rule (stcrt. 2016/35595)Neem de volgende stap
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