Information sessions about debt collection agencies
Can a debt collection agency, not a bailiff, request all your personal income data regarding all your current payment and savings accounts + balance, (all your) income specifications, WOZ value of your house, etc.? They also want to see my personal expenses, where and with whom my mortgage is and under which contract number, monthly expenses such as car insurance but also the brand, type, year of construction and even the license plate, what the motor vehicle tax is, the school fees for my children, what I pay for their clothes etc., telephones, costs for all current insurances but also what I have for housekeeping money? They claim that a death risk insurance has been paid off on an outstanding debt but they refuse very firmly to provide any insight into this. So they just say whatever they want but this is not verifiable for me. I know that a debt collection agency has no legal status, so I wonder whether they are allowed to request/view all this data and what the added value is.Lawyer
There is no right to this: only special persons and institutions can claim such information, a debt collection agency is not one of them.Neem de volgende stap
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