Help with questions about social assistance and unemployment benefits


I, a single mother with three teenagers, lost my part-time job (28 hours) in December 2014. I received unemployment benefits for 20 months, which expired at the end of September. Since I finally found a job/retraining and can start on November 1st, I only need one month of welfare benefits. Imagine my surprise when I found out that my unemployment benefit (including allowance because I applied for it specifically) was a lot lower than the social assistance standard. So I had been living below the social minimum all this time and that was not without consequences. I understand that I should have applied for additional assistance, but I wonder how I should have known that. To begin with, the amount of the assistance standard is already very vague and I read everywhere that it depends on many different factors. Moreover, the amount that I eventually heard from the assistance itself of € 997, - seemed to be very close to my gross benefit. It was not possible to find whether that was gross or net and the UWV did not point out to me that my income was therefore below the social minimum. Since I think I have fulfilled my duties regarding job applications etc., I also believe that I was entitled to a social minimum income. When I applied for assistance, I was assured that I had rights as well as duties. But as it turns out, I understand that I did not receive a retroactive supplement to the social minimum. Who actually made the mistake here? Who can I hold responsible for this? Wasn't it the duty of the UWV to inform me that I was below the social minimum when I applied for the allowance??


I was wondering if my question was not read or if there is perhaps additional information needed? Or maybe you can not answer my question at all and I have to go somewhere else with my question?? Maybe you can also indicate that? Then I can at least do something....


You will then have run your household with little. Unfortunately, you usually cannot claim retroactive assistance. With a low salary you can make use of other arrangements, such as a collective health insurance policy.

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