Rights and obligations when changing jobs in the butcher's shop


I work in a butcher shop and am training to be a sales assistant butcher shop next door. I have to find out some things for school, but I can't figure it out with the collective labor agreement. My question is: what if you get another job. what are your rights and obligations? do you take your vacation hours with you to your next employer or do you get paid for the hours. or do you have to take your hours in your notice period? What's it like working in a butcher's shop?


Based on the legislation, you are appealing to four times the agreed working hours per week. With the CAO Slagersbedrijf article 27, that is 20 normal days off and five other days off in the year. If you take another job, you will accrue holiday hours again. The employment conditions are also set out in the contract. I advise you to look for the employment conditions there.

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