Advice on Car Problems: Can I Get Costs Back?
Six months ago we bought a car (used). The car had a delivery service and a new MOT for 2 years. Now, six months and 12,000 km later, we took the car to the garage for a service. This garage is a brand dealer and not the same as where we bought the car. They found that the front tires were worn (profile 0.5 mm). The rear tires were not completely worn, but the garage did strongly advise to replace them as well. In the end we had all 4 tires replaced. The MOT documents did not contain any warning/advice regarding the tires. We were also not verbally advised by the selling garage. To what extent can we recover the costs of the front tires from the garage where we bought the car?Lawyer
If you have driven 12,000 km with the tires, then you may assume that there is wear on the tires. Unfortunately, you cannot blame this 'damage' on the previous car dealer.Questioner
I understand that wear occurs after driving 12,000 km. But a garage should give a warning to its customer with 2.4 mm profile on the tires and with 1.6 mm or lower profile the tire does not pass the inspection. Neither has happened. So the tires should have had more than 2.4 mm profile half a year ago, and then I wonder... do tires wear out that quickly? The tires were A-brand tires and I have never seen such rapid wear with previous cars.Lawyer
With winter tires you can drive an average of 20,000 km. If the garage owner has violated his duty to report, then it is possible to report this. At your convenience, you may contact me directly for further information.Neem de volgende stap
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