Objection Letter Municipality: Assistance with Notice of Default
I filed an objection with the municipality. Twelve weeks later, no message. I then sent a notice of default with a two-week grace period. A hearing took place in the third week. After that, I received a letter stating that the committee had provisionally suspended my objection. What does this mean and what are the consequences for the notice of default?Lawyer
The question is somewhat unclear. In what context was the objection made? When was the notice of default filed? Was the municipality already in default at that time?Questioner
The objection was against the municipality's decision for 4 hours of PGB per week. The confirmation of receipt stated that they would make a decision within 12 weeks. This period was exceeded and I then sent a notice of default, in which the municipality was given two more weeks to make a decision. I then received an invitation to a hearing that was scheduled after those two weeks had elapsed. After the hearing, I received a letter a few days later stating that the case was being adjourned by the committee.Lawyer
I don't know exactly how that is arranged with the pgb, but it seems that the municipality responded within two weeks. If they now need more time, they will have to motivate this and give a reasonable period within which they will decide. If they do not do this, then I think you can indeed claim compensation. You can also appeal to the administrative court because the municipality did not respond in time. Please note that this does cost money. By the way, I advise you to find someone who knows more about this subject. I know too little about that.Neem de volgende stap
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