Legal Assistance with Inheritance and Inheritance Issues
My sister, married without children, recently passed away without having made a will. My sister left jewelry to my daughter in full consciousness, in the presence of her husband, my daughter and my husband and myself. Her husband promised my sister to carry out her wish when the time was right. That time was now more than 3 months ago. My sister also shared this with friends, they can testify. Her husband no longer wants contact with his in-laws and my sister's friends. Of course her husband has the usufruct of everything they had in common. Her jewelry (not valuable, only emotional value) that she promised to my daughter, do they also fall under the usufruct? On Notaris.Be I read that personal items such as jewelry, childhood photos, memories of our deceased parents, etc. should go to the family itself and therefore do not fall under the usufruct. We are not a quarreling family, our brother-in-law keeps all contact away. It is very painful and we feel powerless. Does our brother-in-law have the right not to carry out our sister's wish? Our brother-in-law also commissioned her cremation, he had it take place without family and friends. Do we have the right to know what the destination of her ashes is?Lawyer
Is the case taking place in Belgium? (because of the reference to
No, this takes place in the Netherlands.Lawyer
Your sister has not legally disposed of her estate. This is only possible by will and for some things (a specific piece of jewelry, for example) by codicil. Therefore, the statutory regulation applies. In this case, it means that your sister's husband inherits everything from her. It would seem logical to me that specific family things that your sister had in her care would go back to that family, but I don't know how that could be enforced.Neem de volgende stap
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