Problems with Rental Agreement? Get Free Advice


Hello, I have a problem with a campsite owner. On 05-08-2016 I took over a mobile home at the De Waterlelie campsite. Last night the owner called to say that I still have to pay a rent debt for the 2015/2016 season, as this apparently had not been paid by the previous tenant of this property. The lease agreement is entered into for 1 year, starting on July 15, 2016 and ending on July 15, 2017, and must be paid before May 1, 2017. Can you tell me to what extent the landlord can hold me liable for this outstanding debt without having notified me of it during the transfer? Kind regards.


Not if recron conditions apply. The contract of use of the recreational land has been agreed with you again. You are responsible for the part from the purchase date 2016 not before.


Thanks for your message, I don't know if they are affiliated with Recron, but I will take your message with me when I go to the campsite to solve this. in advance I will let you know the outcome of the consultation Kind regards


You're welcome and good luck!

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