Legal questions about fees? Get free advice!


Good day, For our future studio (renovation of a barn) we have received an invoice from the municipality for fees to be paid. but a number of things went wrong by the municipality, such as forgetting to pay attention to certain important things when they granted the permit, and which the objectors are now talking about. to what extent are you obliged to pay the fees if the municipality makes mistakes that put you as a citizen at risk of your project not going ahead and pay before the end of the year, as the municipality claims?


In many municipalities you do not pay for the granting or refusal of a permit but for the processing. This regardless of the outcome. This is regulated in the municipal fees regulation. If you suffer damage due to incorrect actions by the government, I believe it is possible to claim compensation. But that is separate from the fees to be paid. By the way, taxes are a municipal tax.

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