Legal advice for home care complaints | Legal advice centre


I have a question, I no longer work for this home care organization but last week I got a call from them saying I had to call back otherwise they would take legal action, so I called back. Their question was about a client when I was still working for them. I had to work an evening shift in a completely different district which I couldn't do at all. I couldn't do the clients either. I had indicated that I didn't like this. but they didn't care. at five o'clock I got a phone call from the planning department that I had to go to another client first. well I did this the client indicated that she was nauseous and had diarrhea. I then told the lady that she should go to bed and that I would come back later, then I went and continued my route two or three hours later I went back then the lady didn't open the door I called the planning department with a consultation I suggested that the fire brigade had to be called to break open the door because we couldn't get in with the key then my employer called the emergency services and I waited at the door until the emergency services arrived. when we got in the lady was lying in the kitchen and was incontinent from diarrhea. I passed on everything that the ambulance brother said. but couldn't find the book anywhere to report, so I passed everything on to my colleague and also said that I could report it, it was no problem, I called her anyway, this happened in August and I didn't hear anything more about it until I got that phone call this week. because the client's daughter had filed a complaint about the way things were going. now my old employer wants me to sit down with them and the family to talk about the issue should I do that because I have done nothing wrong


I am a care worker + and I don't think I should have done this alone also because I didn't know the client and the situation of the client the client turned out to have sugar which I am not allowed to do at all. So I don't understand why they sent me there. But when I told them they said there was not enough staff and I was in the area.


You are not obliged to sit down with your employer and family. Apparently, a complaint has been filed by that family. I advise you to possibly send your written statement of what happened to your employer, so that it is clear what happened. The employer can then tell that family.

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