Juridische Hulp bij Huurproblemen | Rechtswinkel.nl


Hello, In connection with my big problem, I am asking you for help, which nobody wants to give me. I have a problem with the owner of the house, we have constant problems and increases in connection with the rent and fees. Two days ago I received a EUR 2131 invoice for an increase in gas and electricity, and I live only with my husband and two children. We have a very bad house, every rain, we have a problem inside because the water gets in. We have control from the municipality and advised me to ask you for help. I would like to show in which conditions I live and what raises I get for the state of the house, I have two children who live in bad conditions, no one wants to help us, please contact me


Hi. I am willing to look into your case, I am curious what is going on and what the legal standpoint of your landlord is. I won't have time though until the end of next week at the earliest. You may contact me using the button under my name if you want.

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