Hulp bij huurrechtsproblemen |


maybe is possible I send everything and I can send you everything papiers ,


What is your question ? If it is about EU law /migration etc. you can send me the papers.


Hello, I am asking for helpI wrote earlier to your friend, I asked because I have a problem. I have a contract for 950 + 150 gas water electra + 50e internet. And I got a big boost, I live with my husband and two children in a rented house, which is in a very bad condition, I get rain inside, apart from the daughter in the room there is a hole where the rain falls in, in the bathroom a hole in the floor and when We are walking, the water is going up the stairs, I got two increases, first 50e a month now 2.131euro raise for additional gas and electricity, I have a zoomerhaus house, which is rented, and we have one counter and I have to pay the fees of neighbors.


What you describe is a part of rent law. I will advise you to go to the Juridisch Loket. On their website, www. you can find the cities where they have an office. It is also possible to telephone them. First of all you must find out if its a legal rental contract ( you speak of a 'zomerhuis'). If so, the people of the Juridish Loket can help you to order the owner of the house to repair the holes etc. They can also investigate the increases.

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