Unpaid Invoice


I have recived a invitation to court for an invoice i wasnt able to pay they have sent me a debt collector which i have replied that the amount they are asking isnt correct i have sent already a big part of that money but due to corona i wasnt able to pay the rest so i offered the debt collector a payment of 10 euros a month which is high for a freelancer in the event industry during corona Due to the pandemic i wasnt able to make money anymore so i have lost all my stuff and had to move back to austria to my parents I already tried to get in touch with a lawyer in Austria but they arent familiar with the dutch law My biggest worry is that i am not able to travel to the netherlands to the given date due to the corona travel restrictions I can send you the letter i have recived as a PDF file


I guess you received a summons ('dagvaarding'). In that summons a date is mentioned on which you have to appear in court. I advise to contact an attorney a.s.a.p. who can represent you on/before that date. He can request on/before that date for a (new) date you will be given to send your reply ('conclusie van antwoord') to the court. I advise to take action before the date you'll have to appear in court. In case you do not appear via an attorney on/before that date, the court will most likely convict you because you do not appear. If you want to discuss your case please feel free to contact me.

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