Cancellation fixed rental contract?
I have a one year rental contract with the agency but I have so many problems with this apartment that I would like to cancel it and move out as soon as possible. The contract is supposed to end on November this year. Is it possible to cancel fixed contract according to the Dutch law? I read that sometimes agency allows to leave earlier but I would have to find somebody who will take over the contract. To be honest I would rather to avoid it as I don’t want anybody to suffer here as I need to do. I would appreciate any advice on this matter.Jurist
Good afternoon, Normally, you are bound by the minimum lease term as stated in the agreement. In some cases, you can negotiate with the landlord to get out of the lease earlier. However, this depends on all the facts and circumstances (the extent of defects, provisions in the lease and any general conditions, etc.). It is also important that the landlord has been made aware of the defects in the property. In case you would like to discuss your case in more detail, please feel free to contact us. Yours sincerely, Mr. S. Leito FerLei Legal 06-49175526Neem de volgende stap
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