Car with false advertising?
Shortly: I bought a car about a week ago. Now it turns out the car is missing several big options what was described in the advertising of the car at the company website and as well at Marktplaats. This is false advertising and I didn’t get the product what was described in their advertising. Therefore I would like to return the car and get my money back. I’ve informed the company about this 3 days after buying the car via messages and as well via phone. I’ve done this several times but they are being very difficult and I don’t know what to do. Do you have an advice for me please?Jurist
Good evening, The contract might be voidable because it was entered under the influence of error induced by a statement made by the seller. You wanted to buy a product, only with different characteristics that were presented. This may have consequences for the agreement. You could request a refund. Substitute compensation is therefore possible. The other party must be summoned in writing to comply. Feel free to contact us to discuss your case in more detail. Yours sincerely, Mr. S. Leito (LL.M.) FerLei Legal 06-49175526Neem de volgende stap
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