Help with relationship problems and rental contracts
I ended my relationship 2.5 months ago. We didn't have a cohabitation contract or anything, but we did have a joint rental contract until the end of December this year. He decided to go back to his parents, my home situation is such that this was not really an option. So I decided to stay in the house, even though I can't afford it. (I'm taking from my savings account) Now we have difficulties regarding the distribution of the goods. Apart from €400 (which he put in more), they put in almost the same amount on furnishings. He doesn't actually take anything with him. Now he wants me to pay money for the stuff I'm taking that he paid for. While he also doesn't pay anything towards the rent. I have made the proposal to sell the furniture (which I don't want to take anyway) and that money is for him, then we will also leave the rent aside. (So we are at 0). Seems like a reasonable proposal to me, he had some difficulty agreeing at first. Now he is backtracking, he thinks he is entitled to money. How can I best approach this?Lawyer
When separating, each party is entitled to their share of the contribution. Both in money and in goods. If this can have consequences, for direct repayment, you could agree to make a monthly repayment. If desired, I can send you a repayment contract.Lawyer
If there is a joint tenancy agreement, he will have to pay the rent with you. If he does not, this can of course be taken into account when settling the division of the estate.Neem de volgende stap
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