Legal advice on working hours and common law
Ir/Madam, I have been working at a supermarket for over 7 years. I have a 6-hour contract. I have always worked on Sundays from the start and for a few years now only on Sundays (6 hours). In a few weeks I will see that my hours have been halved on Sundays and have been moved to another day (because of the extra surcharge on Sundays, too expensive I assume). The problem is that I have only been available on Sundays for years and have also indicated this. I heard from an acquaintance that I am simply entitled to keep the 6 hours on Sundays, or customary law. This is because I have been working on Sundays for years, am used to the income and Sunday is my only available day. It is difficult for me to be flexible with a 6-hour contract. My question now is: does my employer have the right to simply reduce my hours on Sundays? Or am I within my rights to keep them. I look forward to your response.Lawyer
If your employer suddenly wants you to work at different times, you do not always have to agree to this. Everything depends on the agreements on working hours that are in your employment contract or collective labor agreement. An employer may change working hours if he has a very good reason. for the creation of customary law it is required that there is a repeated act, and that is present in your case. If you wish, you may contact me directly.Neem de volgende stap
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