Legal advice on divorce and covenant


My partner and I are separating, we have a cohabitation agreement. I had a covenant drawn up to be able to separate well. He keeps wanting changes to the covenant. In fact, it comes down to him delaying so that he doesn't have to pay or has to pay less. In the meantime he wants me out of the house so I signed a preliminary purchase contract for another house and applied for a mortgage. Is it possible to hold him liable for the damage if, for example, I cannot buy the house and therefore receive a fine because of his procrastination?


Indeed that is an option, since your 'ex husband' does not keep to the agreements by adjusting them every time. You may contact me directly if you wish.


What I should have said is that the covenant has not yet been signed. He is trying to prevent that because then he has to pay.


That is clear, but verbal agreements were made, which you immediately complied with, and these are constantly being changed. If necessary, I can write a letter, in this case, to your ex-husband.


You can also start legal proceedings, for example summary proceedings, in order to obtain payment in the short term. In this case it is important what would have to be paid in order to see whether that claim could also be awarded in summary proceedings.

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