Legal assistance with car and rent recovery


I received a car from my former boyfriend as a birthday present on 26-10-2015, but now he threw me out on the street on 8-7-2013. I paid him €350 in rent every month and did all the shopping. Because I am in debt counselling, I am not allowed to have a car in my name, so he has always insured it and paid the road tax. Now he is demanding the car back, while I have also paid his rent arrears of €1448.41. We have already been to the local police officer and were supposed to hand over the car on Saturday and he would pay me the remainder of the rent of €175. However, he did not show up on time. What can and may I do? Greetings.


If you have made written agreements, you are in a strong position and can give him written notice of default to comply with these agreements. If something has been agreed verbally, this becomes a lot more difficult, because you will have to provide evidence.


The local police officer made a report of it and we both signed it.

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