Damage to dog compensated? Legal advice!


I hit my neighbor's dog, who will pay for the damage to the dog?


In principle, the person who caused the damage pays for the damage to the dog. This is different if the owner of the dog is to blame, because the dog was not on a leash. For further assistance, you can contact me directly and free of charge.


Article 185 1 If a motor vehicle that is being driven on the road is involved in a traffic accident that causes damage to persons or property not being transported by that motor vehicle, the owner of the motor vehicle or - if there is a holder of the motor vehicle - the holder is obliged to compensate for that damage, unless it is plausible that the accident was due to force majeure, including the case that it was caused by someone for whom the owner or the holder is not liable. 2 The owner or holder who does not drive the motor vehicle himself is liable for the actions of the person who drives or allows the motor vehicle to be driven. 3 The first and second paragraphs do not apply to damage caused by a motor vehicle to stray animals, to another motor vehicle in motion or to persons and objects transported therein. 4 This article does not affect liability arising from other statutory provisions.

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