Question about copy bank card? Get free advice!


Is it true that the law has changed regarding the provision of copies of bank cards???? I read the response to a piece from February 2013. It wasn't allowed then, but what is it like now???


What do you mean? Because a bank card is a personal item, it cannot simply be reproduced. To file an objection, you can send a letter.


I have been working for the same supermarket for over 14 years, but have had a new employer since February 2009. Now he wants a copy of the bank card of a number of employees (including myself and my daughter, but not my son). He writes: Following changes in the legislation for employee file management, I need a photocopy of the bank card of the following people. My question is, is this correct? I hope it is clear now


The employer may make a reasonable request to the employee. Your employer therefore does not make it clear on the basis of which legal rules he does this. I advise you to appeal to the motivation.

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