Legal assistance with divorce and alimony
I have been with my partner for 20 years and married for 4 years. We have been trying to have children for 7 years which finally worked with our wonderful twins. I took care of the children and she worked. Everything was going very well until I was diagnosed with lymphoma 15 months ago. She actually distanced herself from me from that moment on. Didn't support me and made it clear to me that I couldn't be sick at home because of the twins. She couldn't have me there. So I was with my mother more and more because I had to be cared for after chemo 14 months straight through chemo, and heavy stem cell transplant later... and cured, turns out she rented a house and took the kids. I come to an empty house..have benefits and can't pay the bills. She doesn't want to talk about the divorce, so I have to arrange everything. So I got a lawyer. But my partner doesn't want to talk about the children and the future that suddenly becomes different. She doesn't want to make a parenting plan. Every time she has an excuse. So I can't apply for benefits as long as we're not divorced. She has a good job and gives me 150 euros a month, which I can't manage on. And I'm always without money and the bills keep coming. I still have to recover from the treatments, and am going to build up to 50/50 with the children She is in charge and I feel powerless. What can I do in the meantime to make ends meet? And what are my rights regarding the children? There is a child with me almost every day for an afternoon, so I also need money for food, drinks etc. This way I can't build up normally either. I can't figure it out anymore. I hope you can give me a tip,Lawyer
Your lawyer can initiate a request for interim measures in which, among other things, it can be requested that your ex pays you her spousal support and child support, and it can also be requested that she continues to pay her share of the mortgage payments (I believe) of the home you currently still live in. In this way, you could possibly have more financial room. Your lawyer could also request that the divorce between the two of you be pronounced early by the court so that you also qualify for the allowances. This is also possible if both ex-partners have already registered at a different address and you can show proof that the divorce petition has been filed with the court.Neem de volgende stap
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