Damage to shower door? Discover your rights


The door of my built-in shower has burst. The contents insurance refers me to the building of the VVE, the building insurance of the VVE refers me to the glass insurance. The VVE of my house does not have glass insurance but a reservation on the budget for glass damage. The VVE now indicates that the reserve only applies to the windows in facades, not to the interior windows. What does this damage fall under legally?


What caused the door to burst..? If someone bumped into it, you can claim this through liability insurance. If you would like more information, please contact us directly.


I believe that the damage to the shower door should be covered by your home contents insurer. The VvE's building insurance covers damage to the building and immovable appurtenances. In my opinion, the glass shower door should be qualified as a movable property, so that it falls under your home contents. Incidentally, it is correct that if the damage was caused by a third party, you can recover the damage from their liability insurer. You must first hold the person responsible liable in writing.


There is no apparent cause for the door jumping. The contents insurance therefore states that the damage will not be reimbursed. How do I proceed now?


What I find strange is that no insurance wants to compensate your damage. You could contact the importer of the shower door, because I do not know how 'old' this door is. Perhaps there is a guarantee provision on this installation. Have you read the contents insurance carefully? Following on from Mr van den Bosch's answer, it seems to me that the contents insurance should cover this.


Firstly, you can now object to the decision of the household contents insurer and ask for an explanation. I still believe that the damage should be covered by your household contents insurance. In addition, you could hold the supplier and/or manufacturer of the door liable for the defect in the door. The door may still be under warranty. If not, then (presumably as a result of a material defect) it is a defective product, so you can demand that the door be replaced at their expense.

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