Claim back rent from landlord? Get free advice!
is it true that the landlord has to pay back the rent if you have been on vacation because you have not used the property. This is supposed to be a new law but my landlord says that it does not apply to him.Lawyer
To my knowledge, this only applies to holiday homes and not to regular homes.Questioner
It's weird that you don't know that this is for regular houses. I got this link on twitter
That is not surprising, this is new legislation that has recently been introduced.Questioner
So I am entitled to a refund of 3 weeks rent but if the landlord does not want to pay how do you go about that. The landlord is a normal family not a foundation or something but they let an accountant arrange everything.Lawyer
I hope Mr. Groenewegen isn't serious about this???Questioner
This is not yet clear to you either because this has only changed I see. It seems to only apply to housing associations a colleague of mine gets the rent back via ... and I am just unlucky because I rent from a family.Lawyer
As I indicated earlier, this is not known to me and perhaps new legislation. However, I can't find it anywhere. The link to the site also says little.Lawyer
So seriously... There is no new law. The story not only sounds like nonsense to a lawyer (or at least should), but it is. The questioner's link is also a link to a satirical website, so that the story is complete.Neem de volgende stap
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