Advice employment consultant & reintegration | Legal aid centre


I had an accident 8 weeks ago. I immediately started working from home for a few hours, from the moment I got out of the hospital. Last week I started working at the office again. That week an employment consultant came to my work and wants me to get back to work 100% right away. Partly at home and partly at the office. I do not agree with this, because it goes against the advice of my treating physician and the physiotherapist. The consultant has not requested any medical information from my treating physician and refuses to do so. I do not want a conflict with my employer, but I do not want/cannot reintegrate based on the advice of the employment consultant. Can an employment consultant issue advice without medical data from the treating physician? May an employment consultant issue advice without the intervention of an occupational health physician? What can I do to challenge the advice?


Only an (Occupational) physician may decide whether or not you are ill. You may not put an employment consultant to work. However, many employers/Occupational Services are taking liberties with the law on this point. I therefore advise you to contact a specialized employment law attorney as soon as possible, such as me. You can also download the FNV brochure 'Whoever writes, remains'. You will find a lot of relevant information there. Many lawyers, including my office, offer a free consultation of max. half an hour. You can then be informed about your rights.

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