Legal Advice on the Sale of a Recreational Farm
We have a recreational farm on the Veluwe that we want to sell. This must be done through the park manager, who is an intermediary and receives 5% of the sales price. The farmhouse is located on leasehold land We have received the sales agreement and want an asking price of 92,000 euros, now the park manager thinks the asking price is too high and wants us to use an asking price in line with market value. The agreement states that if we do not adjust the asking price, the house will go into silent sale and will only go into active sale when the asking price is in line with market value. How can the manager know what the price of our farmhouse is, he has not seen the house from the inside, has no idea what it looks like, how do you come up with a market price yourself? And is this allowed? Can the manager also use silent sales? The WOZ value is 97,000 euros Who pays any appraisal costs?Lawyer
I think you can best start by studying the leasehold conditions and the regulations / conditions of the recreation park. What you describe is not based on a legal regulation, so there will be mutual agreements / general conditions applicable, in which everything is regulated.Neem de volgende stap
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