Is streaming movies for free illegal? Discover the risks!
Am I liable to prosecution if I stream free movies from a probably illegal website? And if so, what is the risk I run? And how can it be proven?Lawyer
A copy for strictly personal use (a 'home copy') is actually always allowed. However, if the work comes from an illegal source, this regulation does not apply. Such a download is in conflict with the download ban. Under Article 16b and 16c of the Copyright Act 1912, one may make a few copies of a work for one's own practice, study or use. This is called a home copy. Such a copy may not be made available to third parties. It is not required that you have purchased the original yourself in order to be allowed to make a home copy of a work. However, downloading from illegal sources does not (anymore) fall under these articles of law. Although our law has always been interpreted this way, in April 2014 the Court of Justice ruled that a copyright law may not permit downloading from illegal sources. The Netherlands therefore has a download ban. For a home copy on a medium, such as a recordable CD or a hard disk, of a musical work, a fee is due. This must be paid by the manufacturer of the (blank) medium.Neem de volgende stap
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