Legal advice in case of car kidnapping - Legal Advice Centre
My ex took my car without permission, he now has all the keys, including the spare! The purchase contract is in his name, taxes and insurance are in my name! According to the police, I cannot report it?! Do I now have to passively watch as he immediately drives up fines that are in my name?! There must be something that can be done about this?! Please adviseLawyer
You must immediately inform the insurance company of this situation..!!! And the question is whether the car is in your name. If this is the case, then you must immediately have the car suspended at the RDW. So that your ex-husband cannot drive it. Then, you can start a procedure against your ex-husband to return the car. It is also important whether you have an inventory of assets, in which various things are described. PLEASE NOTE..!! Keep the car papers with you and do not hand them over.Questioner
The car is indeed registered in my name, so I will take action tomorrow! I hope that the insurance company will understand this and that the RDW will immediately suspend the car! Legal helpdesk indicates that despite suspension I remain responsible?! What is the point of suspension then? Thank you very much for your answerLawyer
the point of suspending is that the car is not allowed on the road, so your ex husband cannot drive it. If the car is suspended, you do not have to pay road tax. Do not cancel the insurance..!!!! But report this situation. Now that the car is in your name, you can reclaim it. The first thing you need to do tomorrow is to write a registered letter in which you hold your ex-husband liable for all damages and any costs for not returning your car. SO, PUT THE SUSPENSION OUT OF ACCOUNT FOR A WHILE, tomorrow. If he does not return the car within 7 days, you must report the theft and not embezzlement, because they must record the theft report. You may also, if you wish, contact me directly for further information or legal assistance.Questioner
The car is indeed registered in my name, so I will take action tomorrow! I hope that the insurance company will understand this and that the RDW will immediately suspend the car! Thank you very much for your answerLawyer
You should NOT suspend the that it is in your name...!!! First send your ex husband a registered letter and hold him liable for all costs. For further information, please contact me directly to prevent any misconduct.Neem de volgende stap
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