Legal questions about alimony? Get free advice!
In addition to alimony, I have been receiving a supplement from the social services during the session for two years now. Possibly because of a privately owned home (in which my ex-partner lived and which still had to be sold in the context of the division of the estate/contents) and outstanding alimony credits (which it was hoped would be paid retroactively in one go. After my daughter turned 18, went to study and did not receive a supplementary grant on the basis of the alimony, she moved into a room and claimed her alimony. Until she was 18, I received a supplement to the child support. After that, I received a supplement to alimony. However, no account was taken of the income tax that has to be paid on the alimony. The social care sector is now conducting an investigation and initially wanted an overview from me in which I can prove that I am properly transferring the child support to my daughter's account. I can provide that. The bailiff who collects my ex's income through wage garnishment does not respond to the request to transfer the alimony to my daughter's account after having written to me several times. Before I could comply with the municipality's request, I received a second written request. They want me to submit all bank statements from 2014 to 2016, in which ALL deposits and withdrawals must be clearly legible. With the last request I feel seriously violated in all forms of privacy and wonder if they can force me to comply with this request. Especially because both child and spousal support can also be requested via the bailiff and the LBOI. I have to comply with this before 21 September 2016. If I do not comply with this request, they threaten to withdraw the supplement to social assistance level and to recover the supplement over the years. This concerns a supplement of 200 to 300 euros per month. I hope to receive your answer/advice soon.Lawyer
Have you received a response from the municipality now that the date of September 21, 2016 has passed?Neem de volgende stap
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