Legal advice on employment contracts


My friend has an employment contract for 1 year and it ends on December 1, 2016. During the job interview they had verbally said that he would get a permanent contract after 1 year if he performed well. Unfortunately, this was only agreed verbally. Now it is already October and he has not heard anything. The HR manager had sent a general email to everyone yesterday regarding leave hours. My friend had emailed back that if his contract is extended, he would like to take those leave hours next year because of his wedding. However, the HR manager did not reply by email and came by to say that it is possible to save it until next year. My friend doubts whether his contract will be extended at all and if it is, that it will not become a permanent contract. His 2 bosses are satisfied with him and didn't say anything during the appraisal interview. They said a while ago that he should come along to meetings from now on because he can do it better and has a better command than they do. So he is kind of indispensable. In addition, he was offered a training 2 weeks ago. My question is what he can do best. He would like to know as soon as possible whether he will get a permanent aok or not. He does not want to wait until the end of October. That way he can already look for other work.


For employment contracts until December, there is a notice period of one month. The employer must inform you 31 days before expiration whether the contract will be extended. I recommend sending a note to your friend's employer with reasons. I've done that before.


Thanks for your response. What exactly do you mean by send note with reasons?


You then request his boss to provide a decision before November 1. I have made a note for that.

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