Compensation without legal expenses insurance
What can I do if the party causing the damage refuses to report the damage? I do not have legal expenses insurance..Lawyer
If it concerns a traffic accident, you can write directly to the insurance company of the other party. In other cases, you can also go directly to the insurer in the event of a personal injury claim if you know which one that is. If there is no traffic accident or personal injury case, you can only hold the other party liable.Lawyer
In my opinion, you can do two things. 1. Hold the person personally liable for the damage you have suffered. The best way to do this is to write him or her a letter in which you hold him or her liable for all material and (possibly) immaterial damage suffered and yet to be suffered. 2. If you know where he/she is insured and with what policy number, you can contact his/her insurance directly.Neem de volgende stap
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