Legal Assistance in Sports Conflicts | Legal Aid Office


I have a conflict with a sports club, which is not justified. This is my story. To keep my health in good condition I thought about taking part in some kind of sport outside the home. Tennis seemed like fun to me. I tried to sign up for this club online and couldn't get through. I then called the editors and they put me in touch with a coach (B). Initially I wanted to play tennis in a team, but according to the coach he didn't have a group at that time. Another option was to take private lessons. I agreed because I knew little about tennis. At my request I had a free trial lesson and for each lesson after that I paid per half hour (4 weeks in advance). After a few lessons I started to enjoy it more and more and the half hour was over quickly. I asked B if it was possible to play tennis in a team in addition to the private lessons. He put me in touch with Mrs. from the women's team. In the meantime I had tried again to register online for membership. At one point I told B that registering online would not work. B gave me a form to do it this way. Before filling out the form I thought I would contact the board by phone. I had contact and what was discussed with the board member I recorded on the Online form and the amount of membership I had to pay. After I successfully registered online this time, I received an email within half an hour stating that I was no longer allowed to enter the tennis courts with immediate effect. I didn't know what was happening to me, what is this about, I thought. I emailed back and asked on what grounds. I have not received a response to date. However, at the insistence of my former lawyer, it was said that this is a breach of trust, according to the club. I forwarded this email to my coach, he was also surprised. He had never experienced anything like this before, according to B. B let me know that I am no longer welcome at all (former board). He suggested playing tennis at another club. B was allowed to finish the lessons that had already been paid for. I let him know that I want to finish this case first and then we'll see what happens next. Because what I'm experiencing here could also happen to me at another club. I want to know what's going on here. This took place between April 1 and June 2015. After 6 lessons I was able to leave, it's a shame that it had to turn out this way. I am convinced that the facts below will give this case a chance of success in court. If not, I don't understand our legal system anymore. Facts: 1. The Regulations and Articles of Association of the Tennis club missing in yearbook 2015, on their site and also unknown to the Chamber of Commerce. 2. Whether this is an open or closed association is unknown; You might want to consider whether you would even want to become a member v/e such association. The prospective member would on at least they should know where they stand is. 3. In my last email of June 30, 2015 I have spoken to the board by telephone discussed, shortly before, confirmed in which also included the agreed amount contribution for that year, which I had to pay pay. 4. My private lessons were paid in advance. 5. My coach didn't have the private lessons must commence until the registration for membership was administratively completed; I am accused of having damaged the relationship of trust. I cannot agree with this. Not only are all kinds of things being shouted and said, but others are also being involved in their lies. I have acted correctly and with integrity, I am not to blame My correspondence with the club from day one speaks for itself. Attempts have been made time and again to sit down with the board. If the board believes that I have harmed her, then I was also prepared to pay. The association has indicated several times that it maintains its position by not wanting to talk to the undersigned. If a mistake has been made by anyone, then as a normal person you can talk about it, but apparently at this club, perhaps in my case, it is impossible. After everything I have experienced in a very short time with this association, I can conclude that it does not have its affairs in order. The association and coach who work past each other. In short, all together it's a disorganized mess. I would like the following, namely: 1. A letter via a lawyer to the AGM of that association send 2. Should the club's board decide negatively then on to the judge 3. That my name may be cleared 4. The one who comes after me, not the same what I am going through now happens to me. I want a judge to hear this case. Furthermore, some people around me who are legally knowledgeable do not understand what this is about. A strange turn of events and the club does not deserve any beauty prizes. I have not been able to read the site's terms of use, no idea where to find them. I check the box otherwise I cannot post the message.


I don't understand this either. Of course you have to become a member of the club and the KNTB to be able to play on the fields and use the facilities and to play in competition. The information provided about this is perhaps poor or ambiguous. You can prove that you have tried to register, the ball is played back to you. I don't understand why you still want to be a member of such a club that makes a mountain out of a molehill. Whether this can be done legally remains to be seen, it is association law.


I will not repeat myself. I would say read that message carefully again. From day one I have recorded as much as possible in writing. I am in favor of that by the way. I am not really into yes-no. I can prove it but the other party cannot, they just shout and involve everyone in their lies. I have also indicated what I want, I too have a right.

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