Landlord always permission to come into our house?
I would like to ask for your legal advice. Is my landlord allowed to put in a paragraph in the contract stating that I have to always give him permission if he wants to enter the house? I have signed the contract because I wanted to have the room, but now I regret it. He’s always coming upstairs and wants me to allow it, but I feel very uncomfortable with that and scared. He is coming upstairs several times a week to repair things I don’t see and yesterday he was also shouting at me for telling him that I feel uncomfortable. I live in Rotterdam and am from Germany, so I don’t know what I can do about it.Jurist
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling uncomfortable in your own living space. Please know that, regardless of what's written in the lease contract, you still reserve certain rights as a tenant under Dutch law. One of these being your right to privacy within your home. It is generally accepted that landlords cannot enter the rented property without the tenant's consent, even if they own the property. This is because the rented space has been turned over to the tenant for a certain period, thereby granting the tenant the right to privacy, unhampered enjoyment and domestic peace. There are exceptional cases where the landlord may require access to the rented property, such as for periodic maintenance, inspections or urgent repairs. However, these visits must be reasonably announced and scheduled at a time suitable for both parties. Unforeseen visits that disrupt your peace are therefore usually not allowed, except in emergencies (like leaks, fire, etc.). If you're experiencing problems with your landlord, it may be helpful to seek legal counsel to discuss your situation. Initially, it could also be helpful to put your concerns in writing to your landlord and explain your discomfort if you haven't done so already. Always enlist the help of a professional, like a lawyer specializing in rental law, when problems or intimidation persist. Please, keep in mind that although I'm providing general advice and information here, each situation should be viewed individually. Therefore, it's always wise to seek tailored legal advice for your specific circumstances. Would you like to rate this answer?Neem de volgende stap
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